Understand Pain
What Kind of Pain Do You Have?
Talk with Your Doctor about Pain
Self-Care for Pain Management

Understand Opioids
A Pain Medication
Side Effects and Risks
How to Store and Dispose

Learn more about pain, pain medication, and ways to manage pain with self-care. Also, understand the problem with continued opioid use. Share this information with your family and friends.

This pain management and opioid guide was created by seven Minnesota health plans that are collaborating to reduce the rate of chronic opioid use in the state: Blue Plus, HealthPartners, Hennepin Health, Medica, South Country Health Alliance, and UCare.

Printable Pain Management and Opioids Guide for Consumers > (18-page PDF)

What kind of pain do you have? A pain medication Side effects and risks How to store and dispose Talk with your doctor Self-care for pain management

Websites for more facts

Take a minute to review these valuable resources for more information.

Participating health plan logos:Blue Plus, HealthPartners, Hennepin Health, Medica, South Country Health Alliance, and UCare.

This Pain Management and Opioids Guide for Consumers was developed by six Minnesota health plans that are collaborating to reduce the rate of chronic opioid use in the state. Contact your health plan if you need free help interpreting this document: Blue Plus, HealthPartners, Hennepin Health, Medica, South Country Health Alliance, and UCare.